Barnsley Scum

I think by now that everyone in and around Barnsley are totally aware of the devastation caused by the freak floods across South Yorkshire. People have returned from their annual holidays to find their homes wrecked by the disaster, this alone is enough to traumatise any man but not in the case of a resident in the Lundwood area; he returned home to find his home was flooded but to add to the injury he had also been looted! Now that puts a different perspective on the situation altogether, insured or not this man has lost his personal possessions due to the scum that walk the streets of Barnsley. Carpets and general household appliances are not really personal to someone, they can be replaced, but to find personal possessions and sentimental items missing and have the knowledge that bedrooms have been routed through and pilfered is a lot more frustrating.

Where’s the media coverage? Too busy rattling on about Gordon Bloody Brown.

We must get a government elected that will deal with this scum in an appropriate way, a government that doesn’t care about the human rights of this scum, a government that will have zero tolerance on this kind of crime, a government that will build new prisons and invest more into the present prison system to help protect the British public especially in their own homes.

Thursday 1st May 2008 – Vote BNP

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