Barnsley could face 'first outdoor smoking ban'.

Barnsley could be the first town in Britain to ban smoking outside pubs.

In a consultation document, entitled "Guidelines for street cafes", the council said it was considering banning smoking in outside licensed areas.

If customers are caught smoking outside three times, the premises could lose its licence.

The guidelines state: "As of April 1 the licensed cafe area will be a no-smoking area.

"It will be the responsibility of the applicant to ensure that customers are witnessed to be smoking, then the licence will be revoked."

Barnsley councillor Roy Miller said the council was consulting with local businesses on the issue.

"We looked at the policy as we are receiving lots of applications for outside licensed areas.

"It is outside but it is a public space."

Pubwatch chairman Paul McNicholas, free-of-tie lessee at Durty O'Dwyers, said the proposed policy was "beyond a joke".

He said: "I would be prepared to take them all the way to court to fight this

"I have spent £9,000 on an outside area for smokers with awnings, furniture and heating.

"The outside are has really helped since the ban. Without it I'd be in trouble."

Federation of Licensed Victuallers Association chief executive Tony Payne said: "We will be seeking an urgent meeting with the council.

"They have not consulted with us on this policy and we usually hold regular meetings with Barnsley council.

"Does this count for people smoking when leaving shops?"

Morning Advertiser legal editor Peter Coulson said: "I think it might be a step too far to seek to impose outdoor smoking bans by means of bye laws."
He added: "Piled on top of the pub smoking ban, this would be the kiss of death for some premises."



Unknown said...

So if I fall out with a "landlord" I only need to smoke outside his place to get his outdoor license revoked. Is this a correct assumption?

Barnsley Nationalist said...

It certainly looks that way.

I think pub and club doormen will have fun and games on an evening too.

It's all working towards a total ban on alcohol, once the pubs are out of business, it will be easier to implement a ban.

Barnsley MBC - Puppets of the State.

Unknown said...

"New fleet of high-tech buses for Barnsley passengers.
By Gail Robinson
BUS passengers in Barnsley are to benefit from a new fleet of high-tech vehicles costing almost £1million.
Stagecoach Yorkshire is introducing 10 new low-floor, easy access buses for its services in Cudworth and Grimethorpe.
Barnsley Central MP Eric Illsley and Barnsley East and Mexborough MP Jeff Ennis helped launch the new fleet at a special community event at the Dorothy Hyman Sports Centre, in Cudworth."

Why do we need buses? Who wants to visit a "Ghost Town."?
Can anyone give me good reasons to visit Barnsley town centre?

Barnsley-Bill said...

Nice to see Roy Miller behind this eh I wonder who is not up for election this May 'hmmm let me think' yea thats right Roy Miller pity really id love to see how many votes this would have cost him