The Chronicle help promote ex ANC 'Barnsley Lass'

‘A Barnsley lass on a crusade’ is the title of an article in this weeks Barnsley Chronicle (Friday 24th August 2007). But then you read that the ‘Barnsley lass’ is actually an asylum seeker from South Africa, is black or half caste (there’s a photo), and has only been in Barnsley since 2003. The Chronicle uses the title ‘Barnsley lass’ because in the interview the woman uses it herself. These are her words-

“I regard myself as ‘Barnsley’ and I’m very proud and passionate about it. I see Barnsley changing all the time and I’m proud of that. The world is coming to Barnsley and we might have been one of the last in the UK but we are becoming a multicultural society. We can’t change the world but we can change things one step at a time. I’m a Barnsley lass. I wouldn’t leave now.”

Surely the common understanding of the phrase ‘Barnsley lass’ is someone who was either born in Barnsley or has lived in Barnsley nearly all their life. This woman is now 42 so presumably she was around 38 when she came here. She seems to have a problem defining her own identity. She’s not a Barnsley lass, she is an African woman living in Barnsley. There’s a world of difference. We are all familiar with the much promoted concept that ‘anyone is British after they have lived here for five minutes’ but this is an advance even on that. If she can claim to be a Barnsley lass then the identity of real Barnsley lasses is denied.

She also uses the personal pronoun ‘we’ as if she were a genuine Barnsley person and had always lived here. Very presumptuous of her to say the least. No doubt 9 out of 10 real Barnsley people would not be sorry to see her on the next flight back to Africa - there’s no point in anyone pretending otherwise.

She runs an organisation in Barnsley called ‘Migrant Asylum and Refugee Community Organisation’ (MARCO) which helps newly arrived immigrants settle into the town. The crusade that the Chronicle article refers to is her fight against what she calls ‘ignorance’ amongst the indigenous British population of Barnsley. She states-

“I’m confident that if we could bring down apartheid we can bring down anything”

This refers to her previous incarnation as a member of Nelson Mandela’s ANC.

There is certainly something worth studying here. The ANC did play a part in bringing down apartheid, along with economic sanctions and political pressure from the rest of the world. But what sort of country has emerged from the ‘tyranny’ of white rule. Now that the blacks are running the country are they any better off or happier than they were before? The simple answer to that is an emphatic no. The country is being engulfed in a tidal wave of murders, rapes, robberies, hijackings, and other serious crimes like has never been seen before. The whole infrastructure of many of the towns and cities is disintegrating. Many white people who can are emigrating. It’s Rhodesia into Zimbabwe being played out once again. A prosperous first world country being transformed into a poverty stricken, crime ridden, corrupt, third world dump.

(Maybe our Barnsley Lass is familiar with the ANC's pledge!)

This is the wonderful multicultural ‘rainbow nation’ that the ANC has created. This is why our ‘Barnsley lass’ decided to leave. And this is the future for our own country if we continue letting so many third world people settle in Britain.

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